Monday 17 June 2019

5 Surprising Health Benefits of Foot Massage

A foot massage is a great way to pamper someone special and help them unwind after a long day. It's performed using the hands, although treatments may sometimes include the use of sticks or rollers to more effectively stimulate the reflex areas in the foot. It can also help to treat issues like headaches, insomnia, and stress. Foot Massage has many health benefits that not so many people know about.

Improves blood circulation- Foot Massage helps to lower your systolic blood pressure. It most likely does the ability to reduce stress and to help you relax. Cortisol is a known contributor to high blood pressure, so anything you could do to help keep it under wraps would benefit your blood vessel health.

Helps in relaxation-  If you feel tired and stressful, a foot massage is a soothing and relaxing way to relax, particularly after a long day of standing and walking around, as the feet tend to swell up. Massage and reflexology of 5 to 10 minutes before going to bed can improve feelings of general well-being.

Improves Sleep: If you find you have trouble falling asleep, foot massage may help reverse the problem. A soothing and relaxing foot massage improves blood circulation. This helps in getting a peaceful sleep.

Treatment for Migraines and Headaches-It can help to reduce the pain associated with migraines, by decreasing the impact of the hormone cortisol on our blood vessels, reducing muscular tension and helping to calm us. Often times headaches and migraines occur due to high-stress burdens or lack of sleep, both of which reflexology sessions can help you with.

Strengthened immune system: stress can negatively impact on your body by diminishing your immune system. A foot massage may release cortisol into your bloodstream, reducing your stress levels and boosting your immunity.

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